

10 tips for a successful gamification campaign

Gamification is the fun part in your marketing mix. It offers both consumer engagement and valuable data. With the enormous reach that campaigns with gamification has to offer, many people engage with your brand. But how do you make sure that you are getting the most out of your gamification campaign? These 10 valuable tips are the basis of a successful marketing gamification campaign.

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1. Choose a clear marketing objective

An unambiguous and clear objective of the game ensures a much higher conversion. With a clear objective, the participant is not distracted by different messages and goals. With every extra objective you add to the game, the conversion is reduced by an average of 20%.

2. Avoid redundant pages and input

You can achieve the highest conversion by offering a maximum of 2 pages and 3 input fields. Every extra page and input field results in 3-5% less conversion. Therefore, think carefully about what you really need to know about your target group in order to meet the objective. Do you still have many input fields? Then divide this over several other games. This way you keep it manageable and the conversion is many times higher.

3. Choose professional design and UX

Using gamification in your marketing mix will let many consumers come into contact with your brand. A professional design and fluid UX offers trust and ensures that participants are more likely to leave data behind. Therefore, make sure that your brand experience and corporate identity are pixel-perfect incorporated in the game.

4. Meet expectations

A participant has certain expectations about the goal and flow of the game. If this expectation deviates from reality, participants drop out and the conversion is lower. Examples are a scratch card that the participant cannot scratch or a ‘short’ questionnaire that takes you 15 minutes. If you are clear in the flow and interaction in advance (so called ‘feed forward’), the participant will be more inclined to complete the online activation.

5. Create a win-win situation

Games have a relatively high conversion rate because both the consumer and the brand have a mutual benefit to offer each other. The brand offers a gift in exchange for your data. A good exchange can lead to huge conversions of up to 85%. If you give each participant a small discount or prize in combination with a main prize, you will only have happy participants.

6. Keep it light

Every participant is a potential lead. This lead can be lost if a game causes a negative association. A gamification campaign is like a snack that people take in between when they are bored or want to do something fun. So try to keep it positive and light-hearted and make sure that the participants leave the train (or toilet) with a smile on their face.

7. Integrate the game into the campaign

If a game is a clear part of your marketing campaign, it can generate even more traffic through media attention than as a ‘stand alone’ game. By allowing the game to hitch a ride on the campaign with TV commercials, billboards and advertisements, it ensures not only more traffic, but also recognisability and a higher conversion.

8. Provide good social care

If participants of your game express their gratitude through social media for winning a prize, you as a brand must of course respond to this. Nothing is more valuable to your brand, especially on social media, than positive messages. Games offer an excellent opportunity to measure all positive messages via social media. So make sure your social team is ready to answer all (positive) posts.

9. Boost your game

You can add advertisements via, for example, Facebook, Instagram or Google to ensure traffic to the game. Blogs and magazines are also a good for boosting traffic. In addition, as a brand you can enable your ‘owned’ and ‘earned’ media channels, such as a post on your social channels and sending a newsletter.

10. Comply with the GDPR

Make sure that every participant agrees to the promotion conditions and any additional opt-ins, such as signing up for a newsletter. To comply with the GDPR, the participant must actively tick an opt-in checkbox. The promotional terms and conditions state exactly which data you process from the participant, what you use it for, how long you keep it and what is done in the event of a deletion request.


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